Mrs J D
Murphy is a two-year-old chocolate Labrador with very little brain! Although he has been neutered, he has been very difficult to train, as he seems unable to remember commands from one day to the next. He is a great big, soft lump, but had developed the habit of running at people and other dogs, barking furiously, particularly if they appeared from around a corner unexpectedly. Naturally seven stone of rushing, barking Labrador was quite intimidating for most people. He never meant any harm. It was just his way of saying ‘hello’.
Since using the PAC collar, he has improved dramatically, although it has taken some time because we don’t meet people or dogs on every walk. and so correction can not always be given. Nevertheless, he now seems at last to be getting the message. He now usually looks at me if he sees another dog, and if I call him he will stay with me, even if our other two dogs go off to do the greeting.
A friend who had a chicken-chasing Labrador recommended your collar to me. One zap and Fudge has never gone near another chicken. Indeed, I have been so pleased with the progress that I have made with the PAC remote training collar that I should exercise my option to keep the one that I have on hire from you. In this way I can provide a service to other people with sheep chasers, or other problem dogs.
Before using the collar, I did have certain reservations about using it, but Murphy has shown no ill effects at all and he positively loves having the collar put on. It certainly takes all the worry out of our walks, when we used to have to take detours if we saw people in the distance. We are off to Cornwall for a week at Easter and, as we walk a lot of Cornish coastal path, we will not have to worry about meeting fellow walkers, and we can settle down to enjoy the views!