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The DXT3D 3 Button Kit controls 3 dogs with Warning Tone ? Continuous Stimulation modes. Each dog is allocated a dedicated button which controls tone and stimulus.


Product Description

Product details

PAC’s DXT Advanced digital FSK range consists of 5 models capable of controlling between one and six dogs. Buttons enable either a tone warning, short or continuous stimulus from each one, or combining the features in Professional Mode. The DXT is a highly ruggedised model, capable of increased range and a unique modular design, enabling an upgrade from lower models in the same range.

DXT Professional Trainer- Modular Handset

  • Up to 4 days continuous use from high capacity, rechargeable batteries.
  • All control of intensity from handset, with smooth and rapid adjustment from pins and needles to full power. Audible warning tone on the collar, controlled from the handset, provided as standard
  • Timer Controlled Charging Dock
  • The collar electronics are enclosed in an extremely tough, watertight plastic housing that also conceals a highly sensitive internal antenna, all ruggedised to withstand the most demanding environment. All collars in the series have a ‘tone’ warning.
  • Two stimulation modes are available: the very humane ‘momentary'(twin-pulse) tickle, and the more urgent, ‘continuous’ pulsing. Combinations of these, together with tone, can be assigned simply to the various trigger buttons to allow the user to select the ideal control for his dog. Options that cater for most situations are pre-set before delivery.
  • Other modes are available by resetting the handset off-field to allow a reassigning of controls per trigger. In Mode B (Basic Mode) each handset trigger is assigned to an individual dog. In Mode H (Hybrid Mode) each handset trigger is assigned two functions depending on Intensity position (middle, right) In Mode E/P (Enhanced/Professional Mode) each button is assigned an individual function (functionality depends on model purchased)

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